The Mizen to Malin skate mission is complete! Al chomped through North Donegal's finest rolling hills to come in strong, even catching 53kmph on some very scenic downhills. Local skaters, family, friends and representatives from Muscular Dystrophy Ireland were on hand to give Al a warm welcome as he trudged through the final uphill struggle at Malin head. The opposite side of the country gave us the opposite weather conditions (despite the forecast) to the murky start in Mizen head as the sun split the stones on a fine Donegal day. Job very well done Mr. Collins, put the feet up!
Don't forget you can still donate to Al's charity of choice Muscular Dystrophy Ireland right here.
On the decade day of this trip Al was joined by some great support as he chomped up 84 kms of Donegal roads. Locals and neighbours chipped along and went as much distance as they could handle in a great show of support on this the penultimate day of Al's mission. The sun shone for the most part, but inevitably it rained, which just added a little spice to Al's 50kmph eye bleeding hillbomb on the outskirts of Donegal town. Ten amazing days down, just one more to go..
Yesterday's greuling start was a distant memory as on the ninth day of the trip the sun came out to play for a full day. Our finest day yet seemed to bring a new surge of energy to Al's stiffened pins as he ate up over 85kms of Sligo road, glancing through Leitrim and finishing up coast-side in sandy Bundorren, Co. Donegal. Road conditions were thankfully largely favourable, so the big man made the most of it and hacked in in good time. The penultimate day of this challenge is tomorrow, and with stiffening legs and forecast rain, day ten will be a tough one from Bundorren to Letterkenny, look out for Al on the road and lend him all the support you can.
Eight straight days of Irish roads were definetely taking their toll on Al this morning as he forced his stiff pegs into gear this morning, departing from a most excellent B&B near Mulranny, Co. Mayo. Fortunately the Mayo roads did not punish Al like they had the previous day, and we even got a got run of sunshine as the Bray man drifted along the open plains of Mayo. The finish line incentive seemed to liven his spirits as he finished strong and entered Co. Sligo to rest up in Enniscrone for the night. A Sligo filled day 9 is waiting for those legs tomorrow..
We are now one solid week deep into Al's adventure and it was day seven that would throw up the toughest challenge yet. Al got rolling from Letterfrack Co. Galway and had a dream roll through a breathtakingly scenic fjord (Galway) where some of the country's finest scenery was accompanied by some very smooth road, plus a few short heavy showers for good measure. However, once Al crossed the county border in Mayo the road seemed to convert into rubble and the wind turned on his face, making the final 60 km of today very arduous. The big man was showing the struggle but never once gave up and hacked at an uphill finish in Mulranny Co. Mayo that left him hankering for a dip in Clew Bay. Legs are being rested and day eight is just around the corner!
We've now roughly passed the halfway point of this epic journey and Al has finally started to display some mild signs of fatigue after six consecutive days of heavy milage on his board. Although he was feeling a bit tired this did not seem to affcet him too much as he finished ahead of his own greuling schedule today as we left Oughterard and swung up through the heavy showery hills and scattered lakes of Connemara. After passing through Clifden Al tore up the final section of the day on some slick and slippery downhills in Letterfrack where he cruised in with time to spare to appear on local radio. Roll on day seven!